About Vior Naturals
Vior Bach Flower Remedies Therapy is a global forum for Bach Flower Therapy practitioners and enthusiasts. Dr. Edward Bach, the creator of Bach Flower Therapy, desired that his discovery and creation reach every aspect of the world. By the same token, we feel that everyone should be able to benefit from the miraculous therapy of Bach Flower, thus we have made the therapy and best quality remedies accessible and economical. We have created an online space, open and accessible 24/7 where the practitioners and graduates can be in touch with one another. This allows students from all over to share their experience and update themselves. Individuals not only share their experiences but also share their family members', friends', and clients' experiences which leads to a healthy discussion and consultation. This forum includes many Homeopaths, Gynecologists, Pediatricians, prominent government figures, reputable individuals, industrialists, housewives, and others. They come together, discuss their experiences with the cases they encounter, and keep each other informed. The ultimate purpose of this Forum and those involved in the space is to provide cost efficient therapy and to help others. As soon as the student completes Level 1, they get to join the forum. The forum currently consists of more than 150 active members. Practitioners practicing from as early as 2019 are also members of it, hence you would be thoroughly guided.
Vior is currently led by co-founder Mr. Digvijay Kharote along with his wife Mrs Apoorva Kharote. Co-Founder Digvijay Kharote, who also heads one of the world's most prestigious NGOs, was introduced to bach remedies and has assisted hundreds of individuals using bach remedies, meditation, and humanitarian projects. After witnessing the remarkable benefits of Bach therapy, he decided to raise awareness among people from all walks of life in order to assist them in healing their emotions, living a disease-free life, and living a spiritual life rich in joy, knowledge, and service. Mr Digvijay and his wife Mrs Apoorva travel the world teaching yoga and meditation as well as healing patients through alternative treatments.
Owing to the miraculous efficacy of Bach flower therapy , in 2019 Mr Digvijay started training people in Bach Therapy so that they can heal themselves and also their near and dear ones without repeated expense of going to a therapist.
Till now we have helped hundreds of people with our online training program and we aim to help 10,000 people by 2030 by providing the knowledge of this miraculous treatment and creating therapists who in turn can heal others.
Trainers are highly experienced and are affiliated to the Vior Bach Flower Therapy forum. It is our motto to provide training and remedies that are cost effective and modular in approach. We give our candidates freedom to opt for self help or become a practitioner. As a part of hand holding until the student becomes independent, we also provide authentic Bach remedy kits and help with practitioner supplies also to the interested candidates. Until date, our practitioners have assisted a large number of people in recovering from a variety of illnesses. We not only provide therapy through our forum, but we also ought to create therapists by increasing awareness about Bach Flower Therapy and its effectiveness through various training programmes. So far, we've dealt with a significant number of cases.Our Forum is a diverse space with many enthusiasts and practitioners from various backgrounds who discuss case studies with one another. This discussion in the forum enables patients to gain the maximum possible benefit they can get.
We provide comprehensive therapy and remedy knowledge in two levels. The training capsule consists of Level 1 and Level 2 training for a total of (10 + 30) hours. Level 1 lasts 5 days and includes an overview of the therapy and remedies. One can learn about all seven emotional groups and 38 emotional states, as well as how to employ all Bach flower remedies for a healthy body and a happy mind. Following level one, one improves their emotional stability by gaining a thorough awareness of human emotions. The individual develops compassion and empathy for others. Following the training programme, students can recommend Bach Flower treatments to friends and family. Completing Level 2 is required to have a thorough understanding of each remedy and to begin professional practice as a Vior Naturals Bach Flower Therapy Practitioner. One learns about the relationship between various diseases and emotional states, client communication etiquette, plant language, plants' forms and functions, comparison of plants and remedy states, and all Bach Flower Remedies. In Level 2, one can see drawings and movies about each plant and gain a more in-depth study of all emotional states, animal and plant therapy, practitioners' code of conduct, and countless case studies.
After completing the second level of certification, a person can become a Bach flower practitioner and treat others on their own using stock kits, while also generating revenue. We also provide a quick go through of the entire program if a revision or refreshment is needed after the training has been finished for a long time.